Primarius Unveils One Stop Reliability Solution at IRPS


The IEEE International Symposium on Reliability Physics (IRPS) will be held at Dallas, Texas, USA, from April 14 to April 18. For over 60 years, IRPS has been the premiere conference for engineers and scientists to present innovations and technologies on microelectronics reliability. Drawing participants from the United States, Europe, Asia, and other parts of the world, IRPS seeks to improve the reliability of semiconductor devices, integrated circuits, and microelectronic systems.


AS a global EDA company, Primarius is committed to delivering innovative DTCO EDA solutions and showcases its one-stop reliability solution ranging from test systems and EDA tools to engineering solutions on this year's IRPS.

Primarius' reliability solution is designed to tackle reliability challenges in new material research, advanced process technology R&D, device characterization, and chip design. The solution covers reliability test chip design, reliability data measurement, reliability modeling and PDK development, simulation and analysis for reliability, high-sigma yield, and noise characteristics, as well as comprehensive ESD protection design verificationand automotive IP development services.


The solution comes with Primarius' industry golden low frequency noise testing systems 9812 series, and multi-sites wafer-level reliability testing systems, supporting automated and parallel measurements for 1/f noise, RTN noise, BTI/HCI/TDDB aging effects, and self-heating effects, with high testing efficiency.


Customers can utilize Primarius' industry golden SPICE modeling platform BSIMProPlusTM, to   extract reliability model parameters, based on AgeMOS, MOSRA or other user-defined aging models. The ME-ProTM model verification platform assists customers in achieving comprehensive QA for reliability models. With Primarius EDA solutions, customers can apply circuit simulation & analysis solutions for optimized reliability, high-sigma yield, noise behavior and a better protection on ESD. Furthermore, Primarius also offers foundation IP development services such as standard cell libraries, GPIO, SRAM compilers, and eFUSE macro modules, to support customers' high-reliability and safety designs, enhancing customer products’ market competitiveness.


Primarius' one-stop reliability solution can be widely applied to various semiconductor process technology development and chip design fields, including consumer electronics, automotive electronics, telecommunications, and aerospace, ensuring the stability and reliability of products under various rigorous working conditions. Primarius' reliability solution help customers achieving higher quality and lower risk throughout the entire product development cycle.

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